Wednesday, July 21, 2010

#13 Alex Chilton - The Replacements

I'm a new convert to The Replacements.  When I say new, I mean only this year.  Its criminal really, you would think that someone who loves R.E.M. Sonic Youth and the Pixies would seek out another underground 80's band.  But no, for whatever reason I hadn't.  I had heard, and liked, the two Paul Westerberg solo songs on the Singles soundtrack (one of the best soundtracks around), Dyslexic Heart and Waiting for Somebody.  

Alex Chilton encapsulates all that I love in music. Its about loving music and loving bands, especially bands that aren't that popular.  Its about wishing that your favourite band would be the biggest in the world, and that everyone can get the same feeling that you do, even though you know thats not going to happen.

Don't get me wrong I equally dislike indie hipsters as I do people who love only vacuous top 40 auto tuned madness.   Music should't be about having to apply a veneer of hipster coolness to yourself, its not about wearing skinny jeans or whatever is 'hip' at the time. Music should be about passion and how a song makes you feel, even if you are wearing bootcuts.  Sometimes your musical hero's just aren't that cool at a certain time.  But they are cool to you.  And that is all that matters.

"Children by the million sing for Alex Chilton when he comes 'round
They sing "I'm in love. What's that song?
I'm in love with that song."

The Replacements - Alex Chilton